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Writer's pictureAlex Nielen

Weight Loss Strategies: The 3 Best Ways To Diet

Updated: Feb 11

In this deep dive into weight loss strategies, we're not here to peddle the latest fad or quick-fix solution. Instead, we aim to provide you with an understanding of three fundamental methods – elimination, time restriction, and portion control.

3 ways to diet

Whether you love staying fit and want to eat better or you're just starting to focus on your health, figuring out how to cut certain foods, control when you eat, and manage portion sizes is like having a guide. The goal? Making smart choices that suit your tastes and help you succeed in the long run. Let's run through the 3 best ways to diet.


The first method of the 3 ways to diet is elimination. Starting an elimination diet means purposely leaving out certain foods or entire food groups, all with the main aim of figuring out what might be hindering your weight loss.


  • Identifying food intolerances: elimination diets act like a detective tool, helping you find and address possible food intolerances or sensitivities. By methodically removing specific foods, you can see how your body reacts without them.

  • Potential digestive system reset: apart from weight loss, elimination diets might contribute to a reset in your digestive system. Taking out certain foods can give your gut a break, allowing it to heal and potentially improving overall digestive health.


  • Nutritional imbalances if not planned carefully: while elimination diets can be great at pinpointing problematic foods, they also carry the risk of nutritional imbalances. If you exclude entire food groups without carefully adding alternative sources of essential nutrients, you might end up with deficiencies.

  • Social challenges: the strictness of elimination diets can pose challenges in social situations. Managing events where specific foods are off-limits might lead to social discomfort, limit food choices, and potentially affect the social enjoyment of meals.

Time Restriction

Getting into time-restricted eating (intermittent fasting) means narrowing down the time you eat each day, syncing your meals with your body's natural rhythm. This method, like shifting from a 7 am to 7 pm eating routine to a shorter window like 1 pm to 7 pm, is thought to boost fat burning and metabolism.


  • Boost in fat burning: by limiting the time when you eat, time-restricted eating might enhance fat burning and metabolism. This lines up with the body's natural processes, potentially optimizing weight loss.

  • Simple implementation: unlike complicated diets, time-restricted eating is pretty straightforward. You don't need to obsess over specific foods, making it an easy strategy for those looking for a simple approach to managing weight.


  • Challenges for busy schedules: time-restricted eating could be tough for those with hectic or unpredictable schedules. Planning meals within a shorter timeframe might need careful coordination, and sticking to it could be tricky when unexpected events or time constraints pop up.

  • Difficulty adapting: people used to traditional meal patterns might find it hard to stick to a limited eating window. Breaking away from ingrained habits and adjusting to a new eating schedule could pose a challenge for some individuals.

intermittent fasting, time restricted eating, time restriction, fasting

Portion Control

Taking on a portion control approach means paying attention to what you eat, using smaller plates, avoiding second helpings, and staying away from calorie-heavy toppings. This method highlights the importance of being mindful about your food, and it allows for some flexibility in your choices, as long as you stick to certain calorie limits.


  • Flexibility in food choices: portion control lets you be flexible with your food choices, allowing you to enjoy a variety of foods while sticking to specific calorie limits. This flexibility makes the approach sustainable over the long term because you don't have to give up your favorite foods entirely.

  • No elimination of favorite foods: unlike stricter diets, portion control doesn't force you to say goodbye to your favorite foods. This makes it a balanced and realistic way of eating that can be maintained over extended periods.


  • Requires discipline: successfully practicing portion control means sticking to recommended portion sizes and being mindful about what you eat. It might take consistent effort to avoid overeating and make thoughtful choices during meals.

  • Estimating portion sizes: estimating portion sizes accurately might be a bit challenging at first. There's a learning curve in understanding appropriate serving sizes, and it may take some education and practice to get the hang of it.

Which one is the best?

When it comes to successful weight loss, one fact stands firm: the key is maintaining a consistent calorie deficit. Whether you prefer elimination, time restriction, or portion control, the crucial objective is to match your chosen method with your lifestyle and preferences, promoting long-term commitment.

If you're looking for personalized guidance, advice, or a fitness plan tailored to your goals, The Physio Trainer is here for you. Reach out today and take the first step towards a transformative experience. Your goals are achievable – let The Physio Trainer help you reach them!


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